NMC says doctors can not claim to be specialists if they have CPS diploma.

NMC and CPS Diploma

NMC and CPS Diploma: At Loggerhead once again.

Doctors practicing in India must adhere to the guidelines established by the National Medical Commission (Previously Medical Council of India (MCI)) when indicating their qualifications.

Till recently Permissible degrees included foundational qualifications such as MBBS, along with advanced designations like post graduate diplomas (university as well as CPS) ,MD, MS, DM, MCh, DNB, and PhD in medical or closely related fields.

However, it is imperative for medical professionals to abstain from utilizing degrees conferred by institutions lacking recognition, honorary degrees, non-medical accolades that might mislead patients or the public, and degrees acquired from programs not accredited by appropriate medical authorities.

This stringent adherence to recognized qualifications is essential to maintain the credibility and professionalism of the medical field, as well as to ensure patient safety and uphold the trust that patients and the community place in doctors.

Recognized degrees signify that the holder has undergone rigorous training and assessment within a regulated framework, thereby validating their competence to deliver medical care effectively. In an era where accurate information is paramount, precise representation of qualifications not only safeguards the reputation of medical practitioners but also contributes to the overall assurance of quality healthcare provision.

NMC and CPS diploma

In a recent circular addressed to registrars of all state medical councils national Medical commission have instructed that the doctors practicing in India can only use mention only those degrees/diploma which are recognised by national medical commission. In this regard the National Medical commission’s recent circular dated 18th August reads as below

Registered Medical Practitioner shall not claim to be a ctinical specialist unless heishe has NMC recognized training & qualification in that specific branch of modern medicine”

Since CPS diplomas are not recognised by NMC, Those specialists who holds PG diploma by CPS can no longer use or mention those diploma and consequently cant claim to be the specialists. At least NMC circular appears to be instructing the same.


Further clarification is needed by NMC as to whether the degrees/Diplomas which are recognised by state medical councils (such as CPS diplomas) and not recognised by NMC can be mentioned by doctors.

To read various NMC circulars click here

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