
Radiology Thesis Topics for MD/DNB

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Below is the list of 100 free thesis topics for MD/DNB Radiology. You can select any good Radiology thesis topics for MD/DNB from here. For more thesis topics you can avail the service of premium thesis topics. The premium thesis topics include list of 2000+ Radiology thesis topics as well as recent topics which has been published in various national and international Radiology journals. 

Radiology Thesis Topics

    1. Computed tomographic (CT) evaluation of laryngeal pathologies.
    2. Role of elastography as an adjuvant imaging modality to x-ray mammography and sonomammography in evaluating breast lesions.
    3. Comparative study of modified ct severity index to ct severity index in evaluation of acute pancreatitis with its clinical outcome.
    4. Evaluation of adnexal masses on usg and mri with histopathological correlation.
    5. Role of ultrasonography and colour doppler in the evaluation of gynaecological pelvicmasses.
    6. Role of multi detector computed tomography in the evaluation of colorectal pathologies with histopathological correlation.
    7. Magnetic resonance imaging (mri) in evaluation of traumatic injuries of ankle.
    8. Magnetic resonance imaging (mri) in evaluation of orbital lesions.
    9. Mri evaluation of pott’s spine.
    10. Role of magnetic resonance arthrography in recurrent shoulder dislocation compared with conventional arthroscopy.
    11. Endovascular revascularisation of chronic total occlusions in peripheral arterial disease.
    12. The role of b-mode and color doppler ultrasound in evaluation of various intraorbital pathologies.
    13. Evaluation of abnormal uterine bleeding in perimenopausal women by pelvic ultrasound : a study in a rural setting.
    14. Role of mdct scanner in evaluation of blunt abdominal trauma.
    15. Role of mri in evaluation of internal derangements of knee joint.
    16. Evaluation of sports injuries of knee by magnetic resonance imaging.
    17. Role of high resolution computed tomography in assessment diffuse lung diseases.
    18. A comparative study of intracranial manifestations by CT and MRI in HIV and its coinfections.
    19. A comparative study of chest radiographic features in pulmonary tuberculosis with and without HIV infection.
    20. Role of MR imaging in pretreatment evaluation of early invasive cervical carcinoma : correlation with postoperative histopathologic findings.
    21. Contrast enhanced mr breast imaging of suspicious breast lumps: corrlation with histopathology.
    22. Detection of mullerian duct anomalies : diagnostic utility of two dimensional ultrasonography as compared to mri.
    23. Evaluation of metabolic changes in the brain in abstinent chronic alcoholics using magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
    24. Role of mri in assessment of shoulder pathologies.
    25. Doppler indices of the umbilical and fetal middle cerebral artery at 18-40 weeks of normal gestation.
    26. A study to evaluate mr gonioscopy as a diagnostic tool for narrow angle glaucoma.
    27. Role of uterine artery embolization in iatrogenic causes of per vaginal bleeding.
    28. Role of magnetic resonance imaging in evaluation of breast pathologies.
    29. Role of transcatheter hepatic artery embolisation in giant haemangioma of liver.
    30. Study of role of magnetic resonance imaging of brain in evaluation of post partum neurolgical complications.
    31. Role of computed tomography in patients with adrenal masses.
    32. Magnetic resonance venography (mrv) brain-findings in intracranial vascular diseases.
    33. Magnetic resonance imaging findings of intracranial space occupying lessions.
    34. High resolution computerised tomography (hrct) findings in cases of interstitial lung diseases.
    35. CT patterns in patients of covid 19.
    36. CT evaluation of anatomical variations of paranasal sinuses in chronic rhinosinusitis and its association with it.
    37. Ultrasound evaluation of rotator cuff pathologies and its correlation with MRI
    38. Ultrasonic evaluation of post operative inguino-scrotal pain.
    39. Percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage in the management of obstructive jaundice.
    40. Ultrasound and EMG-NCV study (electromyography and nerve conduction velocity) correlation in diagnosis of nerve pathologies.
    41. Role of CT in evaluation of ovarian masses.
    42. Role of ultrasound in evaluation of dengue fever.
    43. Radiological prevlence of precursors of anatomic variations of femoroacetabular impingement in indian polpulation.
    44. role of CT in diagnosis of inflammatory renal diseases.
    45. Role of CT virtual laryngoscopy in evaluation of laryngeal masses.
    46. role of radiological imaging in diagnosis of endometrial carcinoma.
    47. Role of computerized tomography in evaluation of mediastinal masses.
    48. MRI in assessment of iron overload in children with thalassemia.
    49. Role of neuroimaging in children presenting with atypical febrile seizures.
    50. Role of MRI  in evaluation of spinal trauma.
    51. role of MR diffusion tensor imaging in assessment of traumatic spinal cord injuries.
    52. Role of MRI in evaluation of spinal trauma.
    53. Accuracy of modified computed tomography index in evaluation of acute pancreatitis and its correlation with outcome
    54. High resolution ultrasound in evaluation of inflammatory myopathies.
    55. Ultrasonographic findings of thyroid nodules and their correlation of FNAC.
    56. Ultrasound evaluation of adnexal masses and its correlation with ultrasound scoring, ca-125 and histopathological findings
    57. MDCT in evaluation of hip pathologies.
    58. Magnetic resonance imaging in avascular necrosis of hip.
    59. Role of neuroimaging in first onset complex partial seizures in children.
    60. Neuroimaging of ring enhancing lesions in Indian population.
    61. Mr imaging of sports injuries of shoulder joint.
    62. Evaluation of salivary gland pathologies by computerised tomography.
    63. role of computed tomographic (CT) angiography in evaluation of acute non-traumatic subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) in tertiary care centre .
    64. evaluation of high-resolution CT chest findings in interstitial lung disease in a tertiary care hospital.
    65. role of magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) in the evaluation of patients with obstructive jaundice.
    66. a study on clinical and radiological profile of post-partum cerebral venous thrombosis.
    67. Role of magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosis and grading of perianal Fistulas.
    68. Study of profile and characterization of mandibular fractures on computed tomographic evaluation.
    69. Role of computerised tomography in evaluation of patients of covid pneumonia.
    70. Modified ct severity index for evaluation of acute pancreatitis and correlation with patient outcome.
    71. Role of computed tomography in evaluation of paranasal sinus diseases.
    72. High resolution sonographic evaluation of symptomatic knee joint.
    73. Assessment of capability of ct myelography in finding out the aetiopathology of lumbar canal stenosis and prolapsed intervertebral disc.
    74. Magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of degenerative changes of cervical and lumbosacral spine.
    75. Role of triphasic ct in the characterization of focal liver lesions.
    76. Prevalence of vesicoureteral reflux in rural population: a cross sectional study.
    77. Study of role of elastography in the evaluation of breast lesions.
    78. A study of incidence of doppler criteria for ultrasound diagnosis of portal hypertension in cirrhosis.
    79. Radiological study of mr spectroscopy parameters in temporal lobe epilepsy patients at a tertiary hospital.
    80. Comparative study on usefulness of usg to ct in evaluating solitary focal liver lesion.
    81. Study the role of regional diffusion tensor imaging in the evaluation of intracranial gliomas and its histopathological correlation.
    82. Study to assess the role of doppler ultrasound in evaluation of arteriovenous (AV) hemodialysis fistula and the complications of hemodialysis vasular access.
    83. Role of magnetic resonance perfusion weighted imaging & spectroscopy for grading of glioma by correlating perfusion parameter of the lesion with the final histopathological grade.
    84. Role of diffusion weighted mri in evaluation of prostate lesions and its histopathological correlation.
    85. Ct quantification of parenchymal and airway parameters on 64 slice MDCT in patients of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
    86. Role of 64 slice-multi detector computed tomography in diagnosis of bowel and mesenteric injury in blunt abdominaltrauma.
    87. Role of modified sonohysterography in female factor infertility: a pilot study.
    88. Imaging of upper airways for pre-anaesthetic evaluation purposes and for laryngeal afflictions.
    89. Sonographic evaluation of peripheral nerves in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
    90. Evaluation of varicose veins-comparative assessment of low dose ct venogram with sonography pilot study
    91. High resolution 3 tesla MRI in the evaluation of ankle and hindfoot pain.
    92. Multiparametric 3 tesla MRI of suspected prostatic malignancy.
    93. magnetic resonance evaluation of abdominal tuberculosis.
    94. diffusion weighted and dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in chemoradiotherapeutic response evaluation in cervical cancer.
    95. Comparative evaluation of mdct and 3t mri in radiographically detected jaw lesions.
    96. Role of multidetector computed tomography in the evaluation of paediatric retroperitoneal masses.
    97. Role of multidetector computed tomography in assessing anatomical variants of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses in patients of chronic rhinosinusitis.
    98. Role of ultrasonography in evaluation of various causes of pelvic pain in first trimester of pregnancy.
    99. Spectrum of imaging findings in children with febrile neutropenia.
    100. Spectrum of radiographic appearances in children with chest tuberculosis.
    101. Role of multidetector computed tomography in assessment of jaw lesions
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