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    1.  Below is the list of 100 free thesis topics for MD/DNB Forensic medicine and toxicology. You can select any good Forensic medicine and toxicology thesis topics for MD/DNB from here. For more thesis topics you can avail the service of premium thesis topics. The premium thesis topics include list of 2000+ Forensic medicine and toxicology thesis topics as well as recent topics which has been published in various national and international Forensic medicine and toxicology journals. 


      1. Autopsy based study of sudden deaths with special reference to ischemic changes in myocardium.
      2. Autopsy study of sudden death cases in age group 20-40 years at tertiary health care center.
      3. Morphometric analysis of foramen magnum in human skulls for sex determination and its relation to other dimensions of skull.
      4. Examination of drowing deaths with special reference to histopathological changes in lungs.
      5. Study of estimation of gestational age by ultrasonography using fetal parameters at a tertiary institute.
      6. Study of cases of alleged medical negligence at tertiary care center.
      7. Assessment of medico-legal case management and documentation at clinical Forensic medicine unit in a Hospital of Medical College.
      8. Forensic evaluation of medicolegal cases with craniocerebral injuries reported to   rural medical college in central India.
      9. Study of unnatural deaths in rural India.
      10. An autopsy study of suspicious deaths in newly married females.
      11. A clinico-epidemiological profile of snake bite cases with postmortem Histopathology.
      12. A medico legal autopsy study of cranio-cerebral injuries with special reference to vehicular accident injury in a tertiary care Govt. hospital.
      13. Medicolegal autopsy of fetal,neonatal and infant deaths with special reference to maturity status.
      14. Practical problems encountered in conducting medico-legal autopsies in custodial deaths.
      15. Study of clinical and medico-legal aspects of poisoning cases at a tertiary care centre.
      16. Estimation of time since death from CSF electrolyte concentration and correlation with postmortem changes.
      17. Medicolegal and sociodemographic study of death due to burn with histopathological changes.
      18. An autopsy based study of sexual dimorphism of adult human sternii and correlation of lendth of sternum with stature.
      19. An Autopsy Based Study Of Fatal Thermal Burns In Married Women – A Prospective Study
      20. Magnitude Of Atherosclerosis In Coronary Arteries And Aorta Among Autopsies.
      21. A Comparative Evaluation Of Ct Scan Findings And Autopsy Findings In Fatal Head Injury Cases.
      22. An Autopsy Study Of Unnatural Deaths In The Age Group Of 13-21years Conducted .
      23. Study Of Ligature Mark In Cases Of Violent Asphyxial Deaths.
      24. Study Of Pattern Of Snake Bite Cases Admitted To to a tertiary care Hospital.
      25. A Study Of Status Of Ossification At Elbow Joint & Dental Eruption In School going Children.
      26. A Cross Sectional Study Of Post Dimensions For Determining Partial Identity Among Students.
      27. A Prospective Study Of Suicidal Deaths Among women.
      28. Study Of Spinal Injuries In Fatal Road Traffic Accidents.
      29. A Study Of Fracture Neck Structures In Cases Of Death Due To Fatal Neck Compression.
      30. A Study Of Estimation Of Stature By Anthropometric Measurements Of Head in adults.
      31. A prospective autopsy study of chest injuries by blunt trauma
      32. An autopsy study of abdominal and pelvic trauma in case of road traffic accidents.
      33. A study of estimation of stature from footprint length.
      34. A study on lethal cases of suicidal poisonings.
      35. Abdominal wounds manner,duration of complication & cause of death – a prospective study.
      36. Study of fingerprint pattern and gender.
      37. Incidence of psychotic disorders in suicide cases.
      38. Resuscitation and iatrogenic artefacts encountered during autopsy and their interpretation a study.
      39. Estimation of age by morphological changes in symphyseal surface of pubis in males a cross sectional study
      40. Study to pattern of neck injuries in cases of hanging with special reference to carotid injuries.
      41. An autopsy study of patterns of head injuries in fatal road traffic accidents involving riders and pillion riders of two wheeler’s.
      42. Study of fractures of neck structures and superficial wounds in fatal neck compression cases.
      43. Study of sexually related unnatural deaths.
      44. A study of gender determination from fingerprint ridge density.
      45. Pattern of injuries in road traffic accidents amongst riders with helmets and without helmets.
      46. Radiographic study of hand for estimation of age (9-13 years) based on appearance of pisiform bone.
      47. Estimation of plasma pseudocholinesterase in acute organo phosphate poisoning and its co-relation to mortality – one year cross sectional study.
      48. Study of pattern of unnatural deaths in children amongst the autopsies.
      49. Study of fatal industrial accidents autopsied at victoria hospital mortuary over a period of 18 months.
      50. An autopsy study of pattern of suicides among adolescents and young adults .
      51. Trends of fatal poisoning cases and their gross stomach mucosal appearances an autopsy based study.
      52. Autopsy study of various pattern of injuries in road traffic accidents.
      53. Sexual dimorphism of human hip bones.
      54. Sexual dimorphism of human skull.
      55. Prospective study of cases of injuries due to dry heat,their early complications and cause of death
      56. Age estimation from the physiological changes of teeth in adults between 25 – 60 years.
      57. An autopsy study of patterns of homicidal deaths.
      58. Scenario of pattern of chest injuries among the victims of accidental deaths.
      59. Pattern of firearm injuries in homicidal deaths.
      60. History of psychiatric illnesses in suicides.
      61. Profile of Fatal Thoracic injuries in autopsies.
      62. Study of pattern of neck injuries in the victims autopsied at tertiary care medical college and hospital.
      63. Study of suicidal deaths among children and adolescents of 100 cases.
      64. A study of pattern of injuries in deaths due to blunt abdominal trauma.
      65. Estimation of age from epiphyseal union of lower end of femur and upper end of tibia and fibula in patients attending OPD.
      66. Fracture of hyoid bone in cases of asphyxial deaths resulting from haning, strangulation and throtting.
      67. Study of patients of cranio-cerebral injuries with special reference to circle of willis in deaths due to fatal vehicular accidents.
      68. Study of deaths due to thermal burns.
      69. An autopsy study of various types of dowry death cases .
      70. A postmortem study of sudden natural deaths .
      71. Age estimation by radiographic appearance of root development of mandibular third molar.
      72. Prevalence of hiv amongst autopsies .
      73. Study of pattern of deaths at work place.
      74. Pattern and distribution of injuries in fatal road traffic accidents .
      75. Incidence and patterns of skull fractures in accidental deaths with special reference to road traffic accidents.
      76. Correlation of pattern of burns with morbidity and mortality-one year cross sectional study .
      77. Correlation of pattern of lesions, morbidity and mortality in head injury cases .
      78. Determination of age in school going children in age group 12 – 14 based on physical, dental and radiological examination”
      79. Estimation of age by study of appearance of ossification centre in the wrist and elbow joint by radiological examination of school children.
      80. Study of correlation between stature and finger length
      81. Study of pattern of homicidal deaths among autopsies.
      82. Study of pattern of injuries in fatal cases of fall from height.
      83. An autopsy study of cases of deaths due to drowning with special references to middle ear haemorrhage and spleen findings.
      84. Autopsy study of suicides among elderly over a period of 18 months.
      85. Study of fatal thoraco-abdominal injuries caused by blunt force.
      86. An Observational Study on clinicopathological features of poisoning in living & dead.
      87. One yer Autopsy stuydy on Pattern of thoraco Abodominal Injuries in Fetal Road traffic Accident cases.
      88. A Cross sectional stydy on pattern of Non-fetal injuries in road traffic accidents reporting to a Tertiary care Hospital
      89. The estimation of stature by anthropometric measurements of inter-acromial length among students-a cross sectional study.
      90. Interpretation of lesions  and cause of death among victims of fatal road traffic accidents.
      91. The estimation of age from Morphological changes in pubic symphysis from 3rd and 4th Decade- An Autopsy study”.
      92. Comparison of clinical and autopsy diagnosis of cause of deaths.
      93. Fusion of Skull vault sutures in relation to age – A cross sectional Postmortem study.
      94. Correlation of plasma cholinesterase levels in relation to mortality and morbidity in acute organophosphorous poisoning- A 1 year cross-sectional study.
      95. Estimation of stature by using percutaneous measurements of long bones of legs and fore arm in Indian population-A cross-sectional study.
      96. Determination of sex from fingerprint ridge density among Indian population – a one year cross sectional study.
      97. Correlation and regression analysis of stature in relation to head length in adult Indian population – a cross sectional study.
      98. Study of unintentional injuries at a tertiary care center- a cross sectional study.
      99. Pattern of Poisoning cases at a tertiary Health Care Centre-A Cross sectional study.
      100. Correlation of computed tomography scan findings with autopsy findings in fatal head injury  cases – a one year hospital based cross  sectional study.
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