There are 5 stages through which thesis selection usually goes
Stage 1:- You make a list of good thesis topic. Say may be 30 thesis topics and then you take the list of these thesis topics to your PG Guide. He/she will select some topics out of this say may be 3 topics he/she will like and he/she will tell you to bring pilot studies related to these topics so that he/she gets an idea about the methodology and outcome of similar studies.
stage 2:- Out of these topics he/she will select 1 topic which 99.99% will be your final thesis topic. 0.01% is chance of it being rejected at the level of institutional ethics committee. Unless there is some gross ethical violation in the study IEC wont outright reject the topic. In most cases they will tell you to modify the methodology.
stage 3:- Once the topic is selected by the guide you will have to present it (details like basic introduction, methodology as to how u intend to conduct the study, sample size determination, review of literature from similar studies and expected outcome as well as ethical consideration and statistical analysis ).
Stage 4:- Your PG Guide, HOD and Institutional ethics committee will finally approve the study.
Stage 5:- Protocol Submission.
I can help/guide you at each of the above stages
Stage 1:- I’ve collected thousands of topics on each of the speciality and super-speciality. These thesis topics have been collected with a lot of pain and efforts and I’ve divided each subject into subsections. So that you can explore the subsection you are interested in. Moreover, I’m continually updating them so as to include recent topics under each subsection. You can make a list of topics you like from thousands of topic available on website.
stage 2:- You can always contact me with the list and ask me which topic you should take and which ones you should avoid. This is crucial because some topics look simple but in fact they have a lot of variables which needs to be analysed from the point of view of outcome. Ill warn you if you try to take any of such topics.
Stage 3:- Once your guide decides about a topic he will tell you to bring similar topics which have already been published. Here you can get article search service (chargeable) ; Here 5 articles each with abstracts of 5 papers will be provided. the service includes the pdf of paper. as well as summary of major findings (such as introduction, type of study, major findings tables of results and conclusion) so that u don’t have to read the whole article and u will quickly understand the method and conclusion. the article will be exactly same if possible otherwise with minor differences.
stage 3:- After this once your guide approve a particular topic then you will need Power point presentation for presentation in department as well as Institutional ethics committee. Here I can provide you IEC presentation. Read About it here.
Stage 4:- Once the Topic is approved by department and IEC then the final stage of synopsis writing and submission comes. Read About the components of an ideal synopsis here.