Diabetes Mellitus

500+ Thesis Topics on Diabetes Mellitus
Below is the list of 500+ thesis topics on diabetes mellitus for MD/DNB General Medicine. You can select any good thesis topics for MD/DNB from here. Out of these 500 thesis topics 10 topics are free and For more thesis topics you can avail the service of premium thesis topics. The premium thesis topics include list of 2000+ General Medicine thesis topics as well as 500+ thesis topics on diabetes Mellitus and also recent topics which has been published in various national and international General Medicine journals.
- Study of red cell distribution width and its correlation with glycemic control as well as vascular complications in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
- Cutaneous infections in patients having suboptimal glycemic control in cases of Type II Diabetes Mellitus.
- Comparative study of complications in patients with optimal and suboptimal glycemic control in cases of Diabetes Mellitus Type II.
- Thyroid Function Abnormalities in cases with Type II Diabetes Mellitus.
- Calcium and Magnesium metabolism abnormalities in cases with Type II Diabetes Mellitus.
- Correlation of Serum Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) with Glycated Heamoglobin
(HbAcl) in newly diagnosed Type 2 Diabetics Mellitus Patients. - Liver Function abnormalities in long standing Type II diabetes.
- Prevalence of subtle hearing loss in cases of Type II diabetes mellitus.
- Association Between Insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and Polycystic Ovarian syndrome in teenage Girls.
- Prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.