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surgery thesis topics

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Below is the list of 100 free Surgery thesis topics for MD/DNB. You can select any good Surgery thesis topics for MD/DNB from here. For more thesis topics you can avail the service of premium Surgery thesis topics. The premium Surgery thesis topics include list of 2000+ premium and updated Surgery thesis topics as well as recent Surgery topics which has been published in various national and international Surgery journals. 

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Needless to say collecting thousands of Surgery thesis topics at one place was a time consuming job. You can browse all these Surgery thesis topics by subscribing to premium Surgery thesis topics. Please share this page with your friends who may be searching for good Surgery thesis topics. 


  1. A study of morbidity associated with temporary loop ileostomy in perforation peritonitis cases
  2. Investigation of hyperbilirubinemia in amoebic liver abscess patients
  3. Comparison between ‘Fistulectomy’ and ‘Fistulotomy with marsupialisation’ for treating simple anal fistula: A randomized clinical trial
  4. Quality of life and rehabilitation requirements of breast cancer survivors
  5. Assessing lingual mucosal grafts in urethral stricture management
  6. Correlation between coagulation markers and axillary lymph node metastasis in breast carcinoma
  7. A clinico-bacteriological examination of post-surgical wound infections
  8. A controlled examination of risk factors in benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate carcinoma patients
  9. Hyperbilirubinemia as a novel diagnostic predictor of gangrenous/perforated appendicitis
  10. Comparative analysis of elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy with vs. without antibiotic prophylaxis
  11. Effects of adding levamisole to standard anthracycline-based preoperative chemotherapy on local immune response in invasive breast carcinoma
  12. Impact of laparoscopic cholecystectomy on gastroesophageal reflux via 24-hour ambulatory esophageal pH monitoring
  13. The utility of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) in chest trauma patients not improving as expected on tube thoracostomy: A forward-looking clinical trial
  14. Utility of radioiodine (131 I) uptake and technetium (99m Tc) scans in evaluating thyroid function post-subtotal thyroidectomy for multinodular goitre
  15. Predicting laparoscopic cholecystectomy challenges using clinical and ultrasonographic criteria
  16. A prospective, randomized clinical comparison of phytotherapy and potassium citrate in managing mild renal stone disease
  17. Diagnostic laparoscopy role evaluation in nonspecific abdominal pain patients and its correlation with clinical and imaging findings
  18. Clinical outcome assessment of laparoscopic anterior partial fundoplication for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  19. Efficacy comparison of ultrasonically activated scalpel (harmonic scalpel)® vs electrocautery in gallbladder removal from the gallbladder bed Role of diagnostic modalities in assessment of Solitary thyroid nodule and management.
  20. Impact of open tension-free bilateral mesh inguinal hernioplasty on vas deferens functionality
  21. A comparative study of preservation vs division of ilioinguinal iliohypogastric, and genital nerves during lichenstein hernioplasty.
  22. A prospective clinical study of acute intestinal obstruction.
  23. A prospective clinical study of duodenal perforation.
  24. A prospective clinical study & management of umbilical & para umbilical hernia in adults.
  25. A prospective clinical study on mass in the right iliac fossa.
  26. A prospective clinical study of acute appendicitis and evaluation of Alvardo score in the diagnosis”.
  27. A prospective study on management protocols of lump breast depending on FNAC-excision biopsy and its histopathological correlation.
  28. A prospective clinical study on gastro intestinal perforation.
  29. A prospective clinical study on benign thyroid swellings”.
  30. A prospective clinical study and management of incisional hernia.
  31. A prospective clinical study of acute peritonitis”.
  32. A prospective clinical study of benign breast disorders”.
  33. A prospective clinical study of efficacy of band ligation in the treatment of second-degree haemorrhoids”.
  34. A prospective clinical study and management of blunt trauma abdomen”.
  35. A prospective clinical evaluation and management of cholelithiasis”.
  36. A prospective clinical study and management of varicose veins in the lower limb”.
  37. Acute intestinal obstruction in adults”
  38. Comparative study of anatomical repair and lichenstein repair for inguinal hernia.
  39. Different strategies ( i.v. Lidocaine & gum feeding ) to shorten post surgical ileus — A prospective study.”
  40. Hyperbilirubinemia and crp as predictors of appendiceal gangrene / perforation — A prospective study
  41. A clinical study on duodenal perforation”
  42. A clinical study and different modalities of treatment in ventral hernias.
  43. Clinico-etio-pathological study of liver abscess.
  44. Clinical study of acute appendicitis with ference to clinical presentation, treatment and follow up.
  45. A randomized case control clinical trial to compare antibiotic versus normal saline instillation into the peritoneum in the management of secondary peritonitis.”
  46. Efficacy of fine needle aspiration cytology in the pathological diagnosis of solitary thyroid nodule.
  47. Comparative study of laparoscopic and open cholecystectomy for symptomatic stone diseases.
  48. A prospective study of incidence of malignancy in multi nodular goiters.”
  49. Evaluation and management of diabetic foot according to wagner’s classification”
  50. Study on clinical presentation and various modalities of treatment of gall stone disease”
  51. A clinical study of conventional dressing in diabetic wounds”
  52. A clinical study of peritonitis
  53. A clinical study of benign breast disorders”
  54. A case study of 100 cases of acute abdomen excluding trauma cases with reference to epidemiology and management”
  55. A clinical study of acute appendicitis and evaluating alvarado score in diagnosis and treatment”.
  56. Utility of surgical apgar score in predicting post operative morbidity and mortality in general surgical procedures.
  57. A clinical study of resection and anastomosis of bowel in our surgical practice.
  58. Role of diagnostic laparoscopy for staging in abdominal malignancies .”
  59. Clinico pathological study of chronic cervical lymphadenopathy.
  60. Incidence of SSI in elective abdominal surgery.
  61. A prospective  comparative study of open vs laparoscopic appendicectomy.
  62. Study of clinical features & management of benign ulcers of the leg & foot.”
  63. A clinical study of abdominal wound dehiscence.”
  64. A clinical study of post operative complications of thyroidectomy.”
  65. A clinical study of hollow viscus perforation. “
  66. Port site infiltration and intra peritoneal injection of bupivacine vs conventional analgesics in controlling post operative pain following laparoscopic surgeries.”
  67. Effect of platelet rich plasma on wound healing of leg ulcers. ”
  68. The study of antibiotic prophylaxis in clean and clean contaminated surgical wounds .”
  69. Evaluation of upper abdominal pain by upper gastrointestinal endoscopy.”
  70. Accuracy of ultrasonography in acute and chronic abdominal conditions .”
  71. Comparative study of topical application of 2% diltiazem and lateral sphincterotomy of chronic fissure in ano. ”
  72. Clinico pathological study of salivary gland swellings.”
  73. Role of endoscopic iii ventriculostomy in the comprehensive management of hydrocephalus.”
  74. A comparative study of clinical findings, ultrasonography and histopathology in benign breast diseases.
  75. Comparative study between conservative dressings and dressings with papain – urea & silver colloid in case of skin ulcers.
  76. A case study on post — operative wound infections. “
  77. A comparative study of open vs laparoscopic hernia repair for umbilical and para umbilical hernia”.
  78. Evaluation of portsmouth — possum scoring system in assesing the surgical outcome in general surgery patients”.
  79. A study of uncomplicated inguinal hernia repair as a day care surgery”.
  80. A clinical study to correlate between cytological and histopathological findings in diagnosis of multinodular goitre”.
  81. Management   of lower limb varicose veins conservatively and surgically based on ceap classification”.
  82. Comparative study of stainless steel staples closure of skin wound versus 3.0 ethilon closure”.
  83. Prospective analysis of outcomes in elderly patients undergoing laparotomies for gastro intestinal causes”.
  84. Clinico pathological study and management of blunt trauma abdomen
  85. A comparative study of colostrum dressing versus convential dressing in wounds.
  86. Evaluation of Mannheim’s peritonitis index in patients with peritonitis due to hollow viscus perforation”.
  87. Comparative study  between intermittent & continous suturing in emergency laparotomy”.
  88. A clinical study comparing pdgf dressing and vac dressing in diabetic ulcer”.
  89. Clinical study and management of solitary thyroid nodules
  90. A comparative study   of stapler haemorhoidopexy  versus  open haemorrhoidectomy”.
  91. Clinical study and management of incisional hernia with mesh repair.
  92. A clinical study to determine pre-operative predictive factors for difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
  93. A study of clinical profile and management of non-thyroidal neck swellings.
  94. A comparative study of serum cholesterol, biiirubin,phospate and calcium in patients with gail stone and normal persons”.
  95. A clinical study of pancreatitis due to gail stone disease.
  96. A evaluation of alvarado scoring in diagnosis of acute appendicitis and its correlation with histopathological and operative findings”.
  97. A clinical study of post operative complications of thyroidectomy.
  98. A comparative study of percutaneous cathater drainage vs percutaneous needle aspiration in the treatment of liver abscess in teretiary care center.
  99. A prospective study on factors affecting the outcome in bowel anastamosis in tertiary care center, asram,eluru”.
  100. An analytical study of clinicopathological and predictive factors in diagnosis, management and outcome in necrotising fascitis”.
  101. A comparative study of topical phenytoin vs normal saline dressing in the healing of chronic diabetic foot ulcers — a randomized control study”.
  102. A prospective study comparing the effectiveness of apache ii and mannheim peritonitis index in predecting the outcome in patients with perforative peritonitis”.
  103. A clinical study of various prognosis factors for better management of diabetic foot.
  104. Study of breast lumps in females upto 40 years of age.
  105. A study of patients of HIV presenting with surgical emergencies.
  106. Clinical study of splenk injury in abdominal trauma and its management.
  107. A study of abdominal lumps,diagnostic evaluation and operative correlation.
  108. Study of trauma outcome using the triss method at a tertiary care center.
  109. Comparison between RTS and GAP scoring systems to predict survival in patients of trauma. (Revised trauma score and Glasgow coma scale- age-pressure)
  110. A study of the correlation of pre-operative risk factors and complications occuring during and after laparoscopic procedures.
  111. Study of management of upper gastrointestinal malignancies.
  112. Clinicopathological study of small bowel and related mesenteric tumours.
  113. Clinicopathological study and management of breast cancer.
  114. Role of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in chronic non healing diabetic foot ulcers.
  115. Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy in locally advanced carcinoma of breast.
  116. Study of non-Traumatic lower limb amputations.
  117. A study of clinical profile and management of non-thyroidal neck swellings.
  118. A comparative study of three port versus four port techniques in laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
  119. A prospective study of the common bile duct status during laparoscopic cholecystectomy by using intraoperative cholangiogram.
  120. A comparative study of three port versus four port techniques in laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
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