Pediatrics thesis topics for MD/DNB

Pediatrics thesis topics for MD/DNB

Pediatric Thesis Topics

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Below is the list of 100 free Pediatrics thesis topics for MD/DNB. You can select any good Pediatrics thesis topics for MD/DNB from here. For more thesis topics you can avail the service of premium Pediatrics thesis topics. The premium Pediatrics thesis topics include list of 2000+ premium and updated Pediatrics thesis topics as well as recent Pediatrics topics which has been published in various national and international Pediatrics journals. 

Though Pediatrics thesis topics can be searched online and for this purpose various Pediatrics journals can be browsed but its a time consuming process. We have collected all important Pediatrics thesis topics by painstakingly browsing through past and present issues of psychaitry journals. Not only the Pediatrics journals but also we have compiled the list of all top Pediatrics thesis topics by physically going through the libraries of various medical colleges.

Needless to say collecting thousands of Pediatrics thesis topics at one place was a time consuming job. You can browse all these Pediatrics thesis topics by subscribing to premium Pediatrics thesis topics. Please share this page with your friends who may be searching for good Pediatrics thesis topics. 

Pediatrics Thesis Topics

  1. Study of risk factors for severe acute malnutrition with respect to clinical and demographic profile.
  2. Outcome of neonates on indiegenous bubble CPAP in tertiary health care centre.
  3. Clinical profile of pyogenic meningitis and its outcome in patient of pediatric age group.
  4. Clinical profile of seizures in patients of 1 month to 12 yrs of age admitted in tertiary care centre.
  5. Effectivity of neonatal thyroid screening test in all patients at a tertiary care center in north maharastra.
  6. A study to assess biochemical abnormalities in neonatal seizures.
  7. A study of severe anaemia in children in a tertiary health care institute.
  8. Platelet count and platelet indices in neonatal sepsis in tertiary care hospital.
  9. Neonatal outcomes in late preterm neonates as compared to term neonates.
  10. To study clinical,laboratory profile and various risk factors in children with febrile seizures.
  11. Lipoprotein heterogeneity at birth : influence of gestational age,gender on lipoprotein subclass and lp (A) lipoprotein.
  12. Prospactive study of clinico-etiological cause of neonatal seizure and its outcome in neonatal intensive care unit.
  13. Clinical profile of patients needing assisted ventilation in PICU.
  14. Prediction of mortality by application of PRISM (Paediatric risk of mortality) score in paediatric intensive care unit.
  15. To evaluate the usefullness of the gene xpert MTB/RIF assay for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in children in a tertiary care centre.
  16. Etiological & clinico-hematological profile of children with bicytopenias and pancytopenias.
  17. Study of prevalence of vesicoureteric reflux and renal scarring in children with urinary tract infection.
  18. Study of early neonatal morbidity and mortality pattern in late preterm neonates in comparison with term neonates.
  19. A study of gastro-esophageal reflux and gastro esophageal reflux disease in cerebral palsy children.
  20. Study of association of body mass index and waist circumference with hypertension amongst school going children.
  21. Study of clinical profile in urinary tract infections in 1-12 years childrens.
  22. Renal morbidity in HIV positive children.
  23. The role of antibiotics in control of mild to moderate exacerbations of bronchial asthma in children under 12 years.
  24. Emotional and behavioral disturbances in school going HIV positive children attending ART clinic.
  25. study of paracetamol dosing schedules in febrile children.
  26. To determine the postnatal growth rate till discharge of inborn very low birth weight (VLBW) preterm babies fed human milk.
  27. Morphological characteristics of the umbilical cord and neonatal outcome.
  28. Knee-ankle length and foot size growth as surrogate markers of postnatal growth during early infancy in term and preterm infants.
  29. Study of clinical profile of respiratory disterss syndrome (HMD) in preterm babies.
  30. A study of clinical profile of neonatal seizures.
  31. Clinical profile of dengue fever in children aged 6 months to 12 years.
  32. Comparision of pattern of lower respiratory tract infection in children below 12 years of age with their immunization status.
  33. Comparision of cord blood lipid profile in term small for gestational age (SGA) and appropriate for gestational age (AGA) babies.
  34. study the hepatobiliary involvement.In children with sickle cell anaemia
  35. Mortality Patterns of newborns in tertiary care hospital
  36. Utility of sepsis screen in screening probable sepsis in neonate at tertiary care centre
  37. Prospective study of poisoning cases in pediatric ward and PICU with special referance to snake bite.
  38. Clinical correlation of cardiac functions and troponin I and CPK-MB in dengue fever in children.
  39. Thyroid status and serum protein levels in severe and moderate acute malnourished children between 6 months and 60 months in a tertiary care hospital.
  40. Role of electroencephalogram and neuroimaging in first onset afebrile and complex febrile seizures in children in a tertiary care hospital.
  41. Cobalamin and folate status in hospitalized infants and children.
  42. Clinical profile of paeditric neurotuberculosis.
  43. Clinical profile of acute flaccid paralysis in children.
  44. Role of erythropoietin in the treatment of hypoxic ischemic encepahalopathy (HIE) in neonates in a tertiary care hospital.
  45. The study of clinical presentation and complications of tetanus in children.
  46. Is maternal lead status a risk factor for low birth weight in the newborn.
  47. Role of chest X-ray in assessing severity of pneumonia in  children under 3-59 months of age. Clinical profile of seizures in patients of 1 month to 12 yrs of age admitted in tertiary care centre.
  48. Efficacy of inhaled salbutamol therapy via nebuliser versus metered dose inhaler & spacer in children with acute asthmatic attack.
  49. Prevalence of cardiac abnormality in cases of vitamin D deficiency rickets in children.
  50. Comparsion of pediatric risk of mortality score (Prism) III, pediatric index of mortality (PIM) II and pediatric index of mortality (PIM)II scores in predicting mortality in pediatric intensive care unit.
  51. Study of prevlence and clinical profile of autoimmune thyroid disease in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus.
  52. Clinical, epidemiological, biochemical profile and outcome of dengue and dengue like illness in children.
  53. Correlation of waist circumference and waist hip ratio with morbidity in children with obesity.
  54. Study of risk factors and clinical outcome of cerbrovascular stroke in children.
  55. A Study to determine the efficacy of medical nutrition therapy in HIV infected malnourished children.
  56. Effectiveness of supplementary suckling technique and counselling over counselling alone in malnourished infants in the age group of 1-6 months: A randomized controlled trial.
  57. A study to evaluate efficacy of zinc supplementation in newly diagnosed HIV infected children.
  58. To study clinical profile and outcome of pediatric pulmonary tuberculosis. A study of factors affecting quality of life in HIV-infected children
  59. To study the factors affecting quality of life in children suffering from haemophilia.
  60. To study spectrum of congenital heart disease of children admitted in tertiary care hospital.
  61. Risk factors for unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia and readmission jaundice in intramural neonates 35 weeks of gestation.
  62. Estimation of muscle thickness for determination of appropriate depth of intramuscular immunization at six weeks of life in low birth weight infants.
  63. Study of contrast induced nephropathy following cardiac catheterization in children with congenital heart disease.
  64. Early lactate clearance for predicting in-hospital mortality in children with sepsis.
  65. Procalcitonin clearance, cd64, scd14 and HLA-DR as predictors of outcome in febrile neutropenic children with lymphoreticular malignancy.
  66. Efficacy of twice weekly versus thrice weekly prophylactic factor VIII therapy in children with hemophilia.
  67. Open label randomized comparison of levetiracetam and sodium valporate monotherpay in childhood idiopathic epilepsy.
  68. Iron status of exclusively breastfed late preterm infants supplemented with iron 2 mg/kg/day vs 4 mg/kg/day at 6 months of age.
  69. Plasma and urinary lactate for diagnosis of early onset sepsis in neonates.
  70. Etiology and risk factors for hospital acquired diarrhea.
  71. Clinical profile and outcome in children with liver abscess.
  72. Risk factors, clinical profile, and outcome of severe acute malnutrition in infants below 6 months of age.
  73. Neurodevelopmental outcome in neonatal sepsis with hypoglycemia-a prospective cohort study.
  74. Assessment of vitamin d levels in children with severe acute malnutrition with medical complications: a cross sectional study.
  75. Evaluation of gh-igf1 axis in prepubertal children with hiv infection – an obervational study.
  76. Assessment of vitamin b12 status in children with severe acute malnutrition aged 6 months to 5 years – an observational study.
  77. Psychological morbidities and health related quality of life in adolescents with celiac disease.
  78. Adherence to anti-retroviral therapy in pregnant and lactating women with hiv infection and its relation to infants hiv status.
  79. An observational study on efficacy of low dose vitamin d regimen in treatment of nutritional rickets.
  80. Clinical correlates of drug sensitivity pattern in children with tb-a cross sectional study.
  81. Treatment outcomes of HIV-Tuberculosis co-infected children below 18 years: an analytical cohort study.
  82. Disordered eating behavior in adolescents: a cross sectional observational study.
  83. Evaluation of a baseline clinical severity score for predicting the short term outcome of status epilepticus in children.
  84. Study of clinical profile and short term outcome of children presenting with neutropenia in non-malignant conditions.
  85. Management outcomes and risk factors of children aged less than six months with severe acute malnutrition – a prospective observational study.
  86. An observational study to evaluate the outcome of children with acute kidney injury with sepsis requiring peritoneal dialysis.
  87. Burden of tuberculosis – infection or disease – among household contacts of a case of tuberculosis.Endothelial dysfunction in children with frequently relapsing and steriod dependent nephrotic syndrome.
  88. Evaluation of outcomes of very low birth weight neonates discharged from a tertiary care hospital.
  89. Clinical outcomes of stable low birth weight babies (1600-2000 g) roomed in with their mothers.
  90. Protocolized sedation versus usual sedation practice in mechanically ventilated children in pediatric intensive care unit.
  91. Renal resistive index in children with nephrotic syndrome.
  92. Sensory problems in children with autism spectrum disorder (asd).
  93. Serum leptin and adiponectin levels in overweight and obese children aged 5-18 years.
  94. Effect of dietary therapy on plasma amino acid and acylcarnitine levels in infants and children with severe acute malnutrition.
  95. Effect of addition of nebulized magnesium sulphate to beta 2 agoinst nebulization in treatment of acute asthma in children.
  96. Comparison of paracetamol and ibuprofen for the acute treatment of migraine in children aged 6-12 years.
  97. Clinical profile and molecular characterization of glucose-6- phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in indian neonates.
  98. Acute kidney injury in children with nephrotic syndrome.
  99. Metabolic syndrome in children living with HIV infection.
  100. Study of unprovoked seizures in children between 6 months to 5 years of age. 
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