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Below is the list of 100 free thesis topics for MD/DNB Pathology. You can select any good Pathology thesis topics for MD/DNB from here. For more thesis topics you can avail the service of premium thesis topics. The premium thesis topics include list of 2000+ Pathology thesis topics as well as recent topics which has been published in various national and international Pathology journals. 

  1. A Clinical, Endoscopic and Histomorphological evaluation of Esophageal Lesions
  2. A Clinical, Cytological, Histomorphological evaluation of Lymphnodes in Children
  3. Histopathological analysis of prostatic lesions and the assessment of prognosis with immunohistochemistry
  4. A Clinico pathological correlation and analysis of ovarian tumours with study of expression pattern of Pankeratin
  5. The value of AgNOR study in radiotherapy treated squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix – As a diagnostic and prognostic marker
  6. A Clinical histomorphological and Immunohistochemical analysis of breast neoplasms
  7. A Clinical, Endoscopic and Histomorphological Evaluation of Esophageal Lesions
  8. A Clinical and Histomorphological Analysis of Paediatric Malignant Neoplasms
  9. Histo Pathological Analysis of Central Nervous System Neoplasms
  10. Helicobacter pylori related gastritis in adults a clinical, endoscopic
  11. Fine needle aspiration cytology and histopathological correlation of nodular lesion of thyroid with immunohistochemical study
  12. Histopathological analysis of prostatic lesions and role of p63 versus high molecular weight cytokeratin in distinguishing prostatin
  13. Histopathological analysis and p53 expression in intestinal tumors
  14. Clinicopathological analysis of ovarian tumors and the role of p53 and Ki- 67 in surface epithelial tumors of ovary
  15. Histopathological analysis and Ki- 67 expression in various central nervous system tumors
  16. Role of Mucin histochemistry and immunohistochemistry in gastric adenocarcinoma
  17. Correlation of ER, PR AND HER-2/neu with histological variants of breast carcinoma
  18. Anaemia in Nonhaematological Malignancies – A Descriptive Study
  19. Mycotic Lesions in Surgical Pathology
  20. The role of pap smear in detection of cytological abnormalities of uterine cervix in hiv infected women
  21. Haematological profile in the differential diagnosis of microcytic hypochromic anaemia in children
  22. A study of distribution of p53, cyclin d1 and cd44 in oral squamous cell carcinoma
  23. Histopathological spectrum of ovarian tumors: a descriptive study
  24. A study of trucut biopsies of hepatic lesions with special reference to immunohistochemistry and special stain
  25. Study of silver staining of nucleolar organiser regions in malignancies of uterine cervix
  26. A correlative study on bone marrow angiogenesis with bone marrow fibrosis and spleenomegaly
  27. Expression of bcl-2 and ki-67 in endometrial lesions
  28. The expression and diagnostic utility of amacr and 3 in
  29. Cytological grading of ductal carcinoma of breast in fine needle aspirates and its correlation with histological grading
  30. Diagnostic utility of squash cytology and its correlation with histopathology in neuropathological specimen
  31. Placental pathology in low birth weight live births.
  32. Utility of RBC histograms in various types of anaemia in pediatric age group ( 1 – 18 years).
  33. Prevalence of anemia in Geriatric population.
  34. Comparison of digital vs manual assessment of  Ki67 in breast carcinoma patients : A hospital based study.
  35. Detection of human papilloma virus infection in cases of oral arcinoma using P16 immunohistochemistry.
  36. The distribution of mast cells in uterine leiomyoma – A hospital based observational study.
  37. Prevalence of congenital anomalies in fetuses subjected for autopsy – a hospital based cross sectional study.
  38. Prevalence of thrombocytopenia in pregnancy – A hospital based study.
  39. Correlation of blood parameters with outcome in covid 19 positive patients.
  40. Estimating prevalence of SOX – 2 expression in cervical squamous carcinomas – A hospital based cross sectional study.
  41. Correlation of FNAC and histopathology in the diagnosis of head and neck lesions.
  42. Assessment of coagulation Parameters in Covid 19 patients – A cross sectional study.
  43. Hematological and Biochemical Profile of Children below 5 years of age, suspected with hemolytic anemia – A hospital based observational study.
  44. A Comparative study of hematological and inflammatory markers in preterm labour and term labour.
  45. A Study of morphological abnormalities in placenta associated with fetal death and still birth – A hospital based observational study.
  46. Conventional Papanicolou (PAP) stain vs Rehydrated air dried pap stain (RADPS) vs Rapi9d Economical Acetic acid pap stain (REAP) on vaginal smears: An observational study.
  47. Study of ki67 expression in oral and oropharyngeal Squamous cell carcinoma.
  48. Comparative study of peripheral smear with RBC indices and RBC histograms incases of anemia in adults.
  49. Evaluation of CD10 Biomarker Expression in Diagnosis of Colorectal Carcinoma – A One year Cross Sectional Study .
  50. Evaluation of Derived Indices of Peripheral Whole Blood Cell Counts in Non-Dialysis CKD patients – One year cross sectional study in a tertiary care hospital.
  51. Histopathological spectrum of upper gastrointestinal tract lesions in patients undergoing upper gastrointestinal endoscoic biopsies.
  52. Expression of Vimentin as a merker of epithelial – mesenchymal transition in invasive breast carcinoma : A Hospital Based Study.
  53. Ki67 as a diagnostic indicator in differentiating psoriasis from psoriasiform dermatitits – A hospital based study.
  54. Study of Dermal Vascular Changes in Psoriasis – An Observational Study.
  55. Evaluation of Haematological and Biochemical parameters in Chronic Liver Disease patients
  56. Comparison of the Neutrophil – Lymphocyte, Platelet-Lymphocyte and Monocyte-Lymphocyte ratios in schizophrenic patients with healthy individuals: A cross sectional study.
  57. Clinical and diagnostic markers in patients with pregnancy induced hypertension- hospital based observational study.
  58. Diagnostic utility of cell block method versus conventional smear study in pleural & peritoneal fluid cytology
  59. Evaluation of Role of GATA3 expression in differentiating urothelial carcinomas from adenocarcinomas of prostate.
  60. The role of p-STAT3 in cervical intra epithelial neoplasia and squamous cell carcinoma.
  61. Diagnostic utility of TROP – 2 expression in Benign and malignant lesions of thyroid.
  62. Evaluation of expression of immunohitsochemical (IHC) markers High Molecular weight cytokeratin (HMWCK) and Alpha – methylacyl coA racemose (AMACR) in prostatic needle biopsies and transurethral re-section of prostate (TURP) specimen – a one year observational study.
  63. Histopathological evaluation to compare the diagnostic accuracy of pipelle’s  endometrial sampling with conventional D & C in patient with AUB.
  64. Histopathological study and Immunohistochemical expression of EGFR in lung tumours.
  65. Study of Immunohistochemical expression of AKT (Protein kinase B) in prostatic adenocarcinoma – A descriptive study.
  66. To study CD64 expression on neutrophil by Flow cytometry as novel biomarker in early diagnosis of  sepsis (as compare to ESR, CRP & Blood culture).
  67. Ki-67 Expression in endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma – an observational study.
  68. Identification of Lymphatic Invasion in Breast Carcinoma patients using immunomarker D2-40 – A one year cross sectional study in a tertiary care centre of Belagavi.
  69. Evaluation of Immunohistochemical expression of COX – 2 in breast carcinoma patients – A hospital based study .
  70. Immunohistochemical expression of   P 16INK4a in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix – A one year retrospective and prospective study intertiary care hospital.
  71. To correlate immunohistochemistry of BRCA1 and BRCA2 in breast carcinoma – cross sectional study .
  72. Expression of Prostate specific membrane antigen in breast cancer patients attending tertiary care hospital – A one year cross sectional study.
  73. Role of clinicohaematological profile in diagnosis of dengue – One year hospital based observational study .
  74. Comparision of fluorescent staining and conventional staining of skin biopsy in diagnosis of leprosy – A hospital based study .
  75. A comparative study to know the haematological profile and Biochemical profile among children with severe acute malnutrition and healthy children .
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