Ophthalmology thesis topics for MS/DNB

Ophthalmology thesis topics for MS/DNB

Ophthalmology thesis topics

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  1. Visual outcome in closed globe injury – A prospective study Study of ocular changes in pregnancy.
  2. Comparative study of surgically induced astigmatism with frown-shaped scleral incision vs straight scleral incision with backward extension perpendicular to limbus in manual small incision cataract surgery.
  3. Age related macular degeneration prevalence and risk factors- a cross sectional study.
  4. Evaluation of IOP, refraction, anterior chamber depth, macular thickness and specular microscopy post ND YAG laser in patients with posterior capsular opacification.
  5. Evaluation of Dry Eye in Patients Undergoing Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery.
  6. Assessment of astigmatism after temporal incision in cataract surgery with phacoemulsification technique & its correlation by limbal relaxing incision.
  7. To compare complications of cataract surgery in cases of senile cataract with PXF syndrome and senile cataract without PXF syndrome.
  8. Screening of corneal topographic changes in patients with various allergic keratoconjunctivitis.
  9. A study on prevalence of ocular diseases in school going children.
  10. A comparative study of a modified, sutureless, no glue v/s sutured conjunctival autograft transplantation in treatment of primary pterygium.
  11. Clinical profile of primary open angle glaucoma and its association with diabetes mellitus.
  12. Clinical profile of ocular morbidities among adult HIV infected patients.
  13. Clinical profile and visual outcome among ocular trauma patients at tertiary care Hospital.
  14. Incidence of retinopathy of prematurity among premature babies born at a tertiary care hospital – A longitudinal Study.
  15. Prevalence of Dry Eyes in Diabetic and Diabetic Retinopathy
  16. Assessment of safety of Retropupillary Iris claw Intraocular lens as a Viable Option in Surgical Aphakia.
  17. A Study of donor corneal tissue evaluation by slit lamp microscopy and specular microscopy.
  18. Study of systemic factors affecting Diabetic Retinopathy in Type II Diabetes Mellitus.
  19. Quantification of the Corneal Astigmatism following Extracapsular Cataract Extraction VS Small.
  20. Incision Cataract Surgery with Intraocular Lens Implantation – A Randomized Controlled
  21. Surgical Treatment of Keratectasia of Various Origins by the Intrastromal Keratoplasty Method with Polymeric Corneal Segments.
  22. Comparative study of goldmann applanation tonometer with noncontact autotonometer in myopia.
  23. Clinical and Functional Results of Surgical Treatment of Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachments Using the Method of Peri-Basal Vitrectomy.
  24. A clinical study to evaluate the results of toric intraocular lens implantation in cases of corneal astigmatism.
  25. A pilot study on the contamination of inj bevacizumab upon storage of multidose vials. Analysis of normal retinal nerve fiber layer thickness by age & sex using spectral domain tomography.
  26. Profile of patients undergoing lasik surgery in a tertiary care rural Hospital.
  27. Prevalence and risk factors of dry eye disease.
  28. Incidence of intra-operative primary posterior capsular opacification in Indian rural population undergoing cataract surgery.
  29. Cataract surgery wothout preoperative topical mydriatics: in patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus.
  30. Two newer methods of pterygium surgery : a comparative study.
  31. A clinical study of correlation of visual field defects with optic disc changes in primary open angle glaucoma.
  32. Meibography in dry eye syndromes.
  33. Evaluation of visual acuity,color perception and stereoacuity in children 6-8 yrs of age.
  34. Estimation of urea levels in lacrimal fluid of eyes with dry eyes.
  35. A comparative study of serum ceruloplasmin levels as a biomarker for oxidative stress in type 2 diabetic patients with diabetic retinopathy and type 2 dibetic patients without retinopathy.
  36. Study of correlation between diabetic retinopathy and peripheral neuropathy in lower limbs.
  37. Correlation of conjunctival microangiopathy with retinopathy in type -2 diabetes mellitus patients.
  38. Gonioscopic estimation of prevalence of angle of anterior chamber in population above 18 years of age.
  39. Estimation of mean Nd: Yag laser capsulotomy energy levels for different grades of posterior capsular opacification : A comparative study.
  40. Study of macular perfusion and foveal thickness in patients of retinal vein occlusion.
  41. Comparative evaluation of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness by optical coherence tomography in glaucomatous and normal eyes.
  42. Ocular involvement in leprosy patients.
  43. A comparative study between surgical outcome of patients own blood Vs 10-0 nylon for conjunctival autografting in pterygium excision.
  44. To study prognostic factors for visual outcome in patients of open globe injuries.
  45. A comparative study of repeat external dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) with or without use of mitomycin C .
  46. Clinical study of evaluate the effect of corneal graft diameter on prognosis of therapeutic penetrating keratoplasty for fungal keratitis.
  47. Analysis of development of radiation induced optic neuropathy after external beam radiotherapy for head neak & brain tumors adjacent to optic nerve.
  48. Clinical comparison of conventional co-axial (2.8mm) phacoemulsification and coaxial microincision (2.2mm) phacoemulsification.
  49. Age related macular degeneration prevalence and risk factors- a cross sectional study.
  50. Study of intraoperative complication of small incision cataract surgery in eyes with pseudoexfoliation syndrome.
  51. A comparision of surgical outcome between modified external dacryocystorhinostomy with endoscopic endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy.
  52. Ocular manifestations of autoimmune diseases.
  53. Progression of Diabetic Retinopathy After IOL implantation – Longitutional Study”
  54. A Study to assess the corneal endothelial changes in patients with Diabetes Mellitus undergoing Phacoemulsification cataract surgery.
  55. Operative pterygium induced astigmatism and post-operative refractive status of pterygium patient operated with suture and without suture.
  56. Gestational age and incidence of retinopathy of prematurity : A prospective study.
  57. Clinical study of ocular manifestations  of connective tissue disorders in tertiary care hospital.
  58. Critical analysis of intra operative and post operative complication in various types of extra capsular cataract surgery.
  59. Preoperative assessment of posterior segment in dense cataract patients by B-scan ultrasonography .
  60. A study of ocular changes in patients on long term treatment with hydroxychloroquine in a tertiary care hospital.
  61. A comparison of visual and anatomical outcome between ranibizumaband aflibercept in treatment of choroidal neovascular membranes.
  62. To compare and correlate macular ganglion cell/inner plexiform layer thickness (gcipl) and retinal nerve fibre layer thickness with visual fields in primary open angle glaucoma.
  63. Comparative study of hangback recession and conventional recession of inferior oblique in v-pattern strabismus with inferior oblique overaction.
  64. Association of pre-operative nasal and conjunctival microbiological flora with per-operative lacrimal sac aspirate in cases of chronic dacryocystitis.
  65. Clinical presentation and surgical outcomes employing reduced surgical dosages in neurologically impaired children with comitant esodeviations.
  66. Ocular manifestations in patients of human immuno-deficiency virus infection on highly active antiretro viral therapy (haart). 8. Implications of colour vision defect on skills of medical graduates requiring colour discrimination.
  67. Evaluation of functional outcome of sutureless scleral tunnel fixated iols in children with subluxated lenses.
  68. Comparative analysis of 25 gauge vitrectorhexis and manual capsulorhexis with iol implantation in paediatric cataract surgery.
  69. Evaluation of contact lens assisted corneal collagen cross linking in keratoconus with thin cornea.
  70. Role of intermittent occlusion in treatment of amblyopia in children.
  71. To study the role of multi spot pan retinal laser photo coagulation as an adjunct to treatment of macular edema in non proliferative diabetic retinopathy.
  72. Comparative evaluation of three modalities of transcanalicular diode laser dacryocystorhinostomy for the management of acute dacryocystitis
  73. Colour vision functions in a cohort of children with duchenne muscular dystrophy.
  74. Ocular profile in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus of more than 5 years duration.
  75. Correlation of fetal hemoglobin and other risk factors with development of retinopathy of prematurity in preterm neonates.
  76. Clinicobiochemical profile of tear fluid in patients of primary open angle glaucoma.
  77. To study the role of hematological, inflammatory and clinical biomarkers in type 2 diabetic patients with diabetic retinopathy.
  78. Coping strategy in patients with low vision or blindness – a pilot study.
  79. Association of serum vitamin d levels and retinal vein occlusion: a case control study.
  80. Augmenting trabeculectomy with subconjunctival mitomycin c injection at the end of surgery: pilot study
  81. Comparative evaluation of three modalities of transcanalicular diode laser dacryocystorhinostomy for the management of acute dacryocystitis.
  82. Augmenting trabeculectomy with subconjunctival mitomycin c injection at the end of surgery: pilot study.
  83. Role of B-Scan Ultrasonography in obscured ocular abnormalities in Mature Traumatic Cataract.
  84. Study of systemic factors affecting Diabetic Retinopathy in Type II Diabetes Mellitus.
  85. Analysis of Conjunctival Flora in Diabetics and Non-Diabetics Individuals and their Antibiotic Sensitivity Pattern.
  86. Clinical study of Functional recovery following phacoemulsification with foldable intraocula lens implants
  87. A study to compare visual outcome including the post-operative astigmatic.
  88. Study of Ocular Morbidity and Risk Factors for Retinal Vein Occlusion
  89. Assessment of safety of Retropupillary Iris claw Intrvcaocular lens as a Viable Option in Surgical Aphakia.
  90. A study of prevalence and risk factors of retinopathy of prematurity.
  91. Evaluation of Retinal Blood Flow in Glaucoma Patients Pre and Post Treatment using OCT angiography
  92. The Effect of Brimonidine 0.15% on the Development of Bulbar Redness Following Femtosecond Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery.
  93. Correlation of optic nerve on MRI with visual acuity in children with cerebral visual impairment :A cross -sectional study.
  94. study to determine the relationship between serum lipid profile and diabetic retinopathy.
  95. The Efficacy of Fibrin Glue is sutures for attaching conjunctival autografts after pterygium excision – A randomized clinical trial.
  96. A Clinico-Angiographical Correlation in Grading of Diabetic Retinopathy – A One year hospital based cross sectional study.
  97. Evaluation of posterior segment in mature cataracts by B-Scan by cross sectional study.
  98. Role of funds fluorescein Angiography in Classification and Diagnosis of Macular Diseases.
  99. Prevalence and risk factors of diabetic retinopathy among patients with type II diabetes Mellitus.
  100. prospective study of visual and anatomical outcome of pars plana vetrectomy for proliferative diabetic retinopathy.
  101. Fundoscopic Examination findings in patients with pregnancy induced hypertension.
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