Thesis/Dissertation Topics For

Overall More than 1,000,00 Thesis Topics covering all subjects of broad specialty  

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1.MD/MS and DNB Thesis topics

I have collected more than 1 lac thesis topics for students doing MD,MS or DNB within India or around the globe. And i continually go on updating it. As soon as i come across a new topic i immediately add it in its respective section and in this way the list continually goes on updating. Thats why when i started the website there were only 15000 medical thesis topics but now its more than 1,000,00 thesis topics available on my website. You can do through all these thesis topics by clicking here. There are thousands of free thesis topics for which you wont have to subscribe and also there are thousands of premium topics (which include new topics). 

2. Super Speciality Thesis Topics

I have collected more than 1 lac thesis topics for students doing super specialisation includind DM/Mch/DNB within India or around the globe. Additionally i review all recent medical journals to include latest thesis trends and developments. Personalized WhatsApp guidance supports residents through every step, from structuring protocols and synopses to determining sample sizes with precise methodologies. Additionally, comprehensive literature review assistance and statistical advice ensure that each thesis is grounded in solid research techniques. By consolidating both conventional and innovative topics this section streamlines the research process, saving residents valuable time across all super-specialties.

Remember Subscribing to the premium thesis topics not only will enable you to browse through premium thesis topics but also you will get access to online guidance about synopsis writing, sample size calculation, inclusion and exclusion criteria and guidance throughout thesis writing. In case you dont subscribe still do not hesitate to contact me for guidance.

3. IEC (Ethics Committee)/ Departmental Presentation

Once your PG guide agrees to a topic then the next step is to present it in front of department and IEC (Institutional ethics committee). For this you will need and 10-12 slides presentation which will outline the basics of your study. This ppt generally includes introduction, materials and methods, sample size calculation, review of literature, ethical considerations and statistical analyses in summarised form. I can give you this in readymade form. You can go through it and make changes as per your requirement.  Use whatsapp button given on this page to contact me.

4. Protocol Writing Help

Once the topic of MD,MS and DNB thesis or dissertation is finalised then the next immediate step is to write MD,MS and DNB protocol for the thesis. This is a crucial part because the whole medical thesis is going to be dependent upon it. A well written MD,MS and DNB synopsis well serve as foundation for medical thesis writing. Remember a mistake in synopsis like in aims and objectives or methodology will be a disaster for thesis because once submitted and approved then you will have to write complete thesis based upon what you have written in protocol. 

You can take my advice for synopsis or protocol writing. I have helped thousands of students in writing synopsis and rectifying the mistakes in their MD,MS and DNB protocols when they approach me in time. Remember no changes in protocol is allowed once its approved by ethics committeee

5. Medical Paper/Poster Presentations for Medical Conferences

Similar to medical paper publications One of the specific requirement for PG medical residents to appear in university exams for MD,MS and DNB is to have a paper or poster presentation in one of the national conferences. This is important to make students aware of the research methodology in medicine. 

You can get in touch with me if you want to take any advice, help or guidance about paper or poster presentations in medical conferences. 

6. Publications in Indexed Medical Journals

One of the specific requirement for resident to appear in university exams for MD,MS and DNB is to have a publication in indexed medical journals. Moreover as per NMC certain number of publications are required for promotions from assistant professor to associate professor and from associate professor to professor. The publications must be in a journal which fulfils NMC CRITERIA FOR PUBLICATIONS. I Have seen Many medical teachers who get their work published in medical journal which are not NMC approved medical journals and then later regret doing so. Publishing your paper in a journal which doesn’t fulfil NMC criteria for publication is like wasting the research work you have done because then you can’t publish the same work in any other journal. I have written in detail about   

1. What is NMC criteria for Publications?    2. What are the NMC Compatible journals?   3. Which are NMC approved journals?

You can get in touch with me if you want to take any advice, help or guidance about publications in medical journals. If you want to know about a particular journal about whether that fulfils NMC criteria for publication then you can always drop me a message and illl guide you.

7. Check NMC Indexing Status of a journal

Similar to medical paper publications One of the specific requirement for PG medical residents to appear in university exams for MD,MS and DNB is to have a paper or poster presentation in one of the national conferences. This is important to make students aware of the research methodology in medicine. 

8. Thesis Topics for MDS

Since im a radiologist and did my Post Graduation in radiology im well aware of details of thesis writing particularly for MD,MS,DNB subjects but still i have collected more than 10,000 thesis topics related to all subspecialities of MDS. 

Remember Subscribing to the premium thesis topics not only will enable you to browse through premium thesis topics but also you will get access to online guidance about synopsis writing, sample size calculation, inclusion and exclusion criteria and guidance throughout thesis writing. In case you dont subscribe still do not hesitate to contact me for guidance.

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