Back ground:-
There is a hanging sword of derecognition over CPS diplomas. Pursuant to letter written by Secretary– Medical Education and Drug Department, government of Maharashtra to union secretary (Ministry of health and family welfare) the CPS admissions have been stopped and there is no clarity as to what is going to happen with these courses in future.
Various stakeholders, such as National medical commission, union ministry of health as well as Maharashtra government, appears to have concluded that continuing admissions in these courses would be detrimental to the cause of public health.
National board of examination which is the apex body undertaking DNB courses also have refused to taking over of these courses.
The hanging sword over thousand of specialists.
Thousands of MBBS graduates have done post graduate diploma from CPS and they have been working as specialists in various parts of Maharashtra. Many of them have been working since more than a decade. Many of these doctors have been providing specialist services in rural areas of Maharashtra. In fact many CPS diploma holders are working in public health and providing specialist services to the people who cant afford to take treatment in private hospitals.
But with the recent developments there has been an anxiety among the doctors who has been holding CPS post graduate diplomas. Their main anxiety is that with so many adverse comments and decisions being made they may eventually loose recognition even by Maharashtra medical council and if that happens they will overnight turn into “non-specialists”. And if that happens then thousands of specialists will loose legal rights to do surgeries.
Dr Alka soni is an anesthetist who is now aspiring to be a gynecologist.
As reported by the telegraph the case of Dr Alka soni clearly points to the future we are staring at. She is an anesthetist who has passed diploma in anesthesia by CPS. She has been working as anesthetist since many years and have given anesthesia successfully to thousands of patients. Now with these developments she has felt the need to once again study and take a PG diploma in gynecology. And this is not an isolated case. Hundreds of anxious doctors who holds CPS diplomas have already started contemplating to once again study for NEET and take whatever degree or diploma they can secure through NEET.
Needless to say this is not a good omen for public health particularly in rural areas. If hundreds of PG diploma holders will stop giving services to public in rural areas it is definately going to affect the condition of rural health services. It will have an adverse impact on maternal and child health.
What do you think about this situation? Plz share and comment.