Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery

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Cardiovascular and thoracic surgery thesis topics

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  1.         1.  Evaluation of long-term outcomes in patients undergoing hybrid repair for complex aortic aneurysms: A prospective observational study.

            2.        Comparative effectiveness of fenestrated versus standard endografts in the repair of juxtarenal aortic aneurysms: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

            3.        Impact of genetic testing on the management and outcomes of patients with familial aortic aneurysms: A multicenter cohort study.

            4.        Evaluation of perioperative mortality rates in patients undergoing endovascular repair versus open repair for thoracic aortic aneurysms: A prospective observational study.

            5.        Comparative outcomes of endovascular versus open repair for ruptured aortic aneurysms: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

            6.        Impact of preoperative imaging techniques on surgical planning and outcomes in aortic dissection repair: A multicenter cohort study.

            7.        Evaluation of spinal cord ischemia rates in patients undergoing endovascular versus open repair for thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms: A prospective observational study.

            8.        Comparative effectiveness of different endovascular stent graft designs in the treatment of aortic aneurysms: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

            9.        Impact of smoking cessation on surgical outcomes in patients with aortic aneurysms: A multicenter cohort study.

          10.      Impact of minimally invasive versus open surgical Maze procedures on long-term sinus rhythm maintenance: A multicenter cohort study.

          11.      Evaluation of postoperative complications in patients undergoing the Cox-Maze III versus Cox-Maze IV procedure: A prospective observational study.

          12.      Comparative effectiveness of surgical versus catheter-based ablation techniques for persistent atrial fibrillation: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          13.      Impact of concomitant Maze procedure during mitral valve surgery on atrial fibrillation outcomes: A multicenter cohort study.

          14.      Evaluation of atrial fibrillation recurrence rates after stand-alone Maze procedure versus combined Maze and valve surgery: A prospective observational study.

          15.      Comparative outcomes of epicardial versus endocardial ablation for atrial fibrillation: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          16.      Impact of operator experience on procedural success rates in surgical ablation for atrial fibrillation: A multicenter cohort study.

          17.      Evaluation of quality of life in patients undergoing Maze procedure versus catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation: A prospective observational study.

          18.      Comparative effectiveness of different energy sources (cryoablation vs. radiofrequency) in the Maze procedure: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          19.      Impact of preoperative left atrial size on outcomes of the Maze procedure for atrial fibrillation: A multicenter cohort study.

          20.      Comparative outcomes of single-stage versus multi-stage surgical repair in complex congenital heart defects: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          21.      Impact of prenatal diagnosis on surgical outcomes in neonates with congenital heart defects: A multicenter cohort study.

          22.      Evaluation of long-term survival rates in patients with repaired tetralogy of Fallot: A prospective observational study.

          23.      Comparative effectiveness of different surgical techniques in the repair of hypoplastic left heart syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          24.      Impact of surgical timing on neurodevelopmental outcomes in infants with congenital heart disease: A multicenter cohort study.

          25.      Evaluation of perioperative complications in patients undergoing arterial switch operation for transposition of the great arteries: A prospective observational study.

          26.      Comparative outcomes of primary versus staged repair for single ventricle defects: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          27.      Impact of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) support on surgical outcomes in congenital heart defect repair: A multicenter cohort study.

          28.      Evaluation of quality of life in adults with repaired congenital heart defects: A prospective observational study.

          29.      Comparative effectiveness of right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction techniques in patients with congenital heart disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          30.      Comparative outcomes of off-pump versus on-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG): A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          31.      Impact of complete arterial revascularization versus conventional CABG on long-term survival: A multicenter cohort study.

          32.      Evaluation of graft patency rates in patients undergoing CABG with saphenous vein grafts versus radial artery grafts: A prospective observational study.

          33.      Comparative effectiveness of CABG versus percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          34.      Impact of surgical technique on stroke rates in patients undergoing CABG: A multicenter cohort study.

          35.      Evaluation of postoperative atrial fibrillation rates in patients undergoing on-pump versus off-pump CABG: A prospective observational study.

          36.      Comparative outcomes of bilateral versus single internal mammary artery grafting in CABG: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          37.      Impact of diabetes on surgical outcomes in patients undergoing CABG: A multicenter cohort study.

          38.      Evaluation of long-term quality of life in patients undergoing CABG versus PCI: A prospective observational study.

          39.      Comparative effectiveness of minimally invasive versus conventional CABG: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          40.      Comparative outcomes of ECMO versus conventional management in patients undergoing high-risk cardiac surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          41.      Impact of preoperative ECMO use on surgical outcomes in patients with cardiogenic shock: A multicenter cohort study.

          42.      Evaluation of survival rates in patients undergoing ECMO support for severe respiratory failure post-cardiac surgery: A prospective observational study.

          43.      Comparative effectiveness of veno-arterial versus veno-venous ECMO in postoperative cardiac patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          44.      Impact of anticoagulation strategies on bleeding complications in patients on ECMO: A multicenter cohort study.

          45.      Evaluation of neurodevelopmental outcomes in pediatric patients undergoing ECMO support during cardiac surgery: A prospective observational study.

          46.      Comparative outcomes of early versus delayed ECMO initiation in postoperative cardiac patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          47.      Impact of ECMO duration on long-term survival in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: A multicenter cohort study.

          48.      Evaluation of quality of life in patients surviving ECMO support post-cardiac surgery: A prospective observational study.

          49.      Comparative effectiveness of different cannulation techniques for ECMO in cardiac surgery patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          50.      Comparative outcomes of mechanical circulatory support versus heart transplantation in advanced heart failure: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          51.      Impact of donor heart preservation techniques on transplant outcomes: A multicenter cohort study.

          52.      Evaluation of survival rates in patients with left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) versus heart transplantation: A prospective observational study.

          53.      Comparative effectiveness of different immunosuppressive regimens in heart transplant recipients: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          54.      Impact of pre-transplant pulmonary hypertension on outcomes in heart transplant patients: A multicenter cohort study.

          55.      Evaluation of quality of life in patients with LVADs versus heart transplantation: A prospective observational study.

          56.      Comparative outcomes of heart transplantation versus destination therapy with LVADs: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          57.      Impact of donor-recipient size mismatch on heart transplant outcomes: A multicenter cohort study.

          58.      Evaluation of post-transplant complications in patients with pre-existing conditions: A prospective observational study.

          59.      Comparative effectiveness of different LVAD designs in patients with advanced heart failure: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          60.      Comparative outcomes of novel robotic-assisted surgical instruments versus traditional tools in minimally invasive cardiothoracic surgeries: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          61.      Impact of advanced imaging techniques on surgical planning and outcomes in cardiothoracic surgery: A multicenter cohort study.

          62.      Evaluation of patient satisfaction in robotic-assisted versus conventional cardiothoracic surgery: A prospective observational study.

          63.      Comparative effectiveness of new surgical adhesives versus traditional sutures in cardiothoracic procedures: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          64.      Impact of minimally invasive techniques on postoperative recovery in cardiothoracic surgery: A multicenter cohort study.

          65.      Evaluation of cost-effectiveness of robotic-assisted versus conventional cardiothoracic surgery: A prospective observational study.

          66.      Comparative outcomes of novel hemostatic agents versus standard care in cardiothoracic surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          67.      Impact of new anesthetic protocols on intraoperative and postoperative outcomes in cardiothoracic surgery: A multicenter cohort study.

          68.      Evaluation of training programs for robotic-assisted cardiothoracic surgery: A prospective observational study.

          69.      Comparative effectiveness of new versus traditional cardiopulmonary bypass machines in cardiac surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          70.      Comparative outcomes of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) versus open thoracotomy in early-stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          71.      Impact of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols on postoperative outcomes in thoracic surgery: A multicenter cohort study.

          72.      Evaluation of long-term survival rates in patients undergoing VATS versus open esophagectomy for esophageal cancer: A prospective observational study.

          73.      Comparative effectiveness of robotic-assisted versus VATS for lobectomy in lung cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          74.      Impact of surgical approach on quality of life in patients undergoing thymectomy for myasthenia gravis: A multicenter cohort study.

          75.      Evaluation of postoperative pain management strategies in patients undergoing VATS versus open thoracotomy: A prospective observational study.

          76.      Comparative outcomes of sleeve resection versus pneumonectomy in patients with central lung tumors: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          77.      Impact of perioperative steroid use on outcomes in patients undergoing lung resection: A multicenter cohort study.

          78.      Evaluation of complication rates in patients undergoing minimally invasive versus open mediastinal mass resection: A prospective observational study.

          79.      Comparative effectiveness of different surgical techniques in the treatment of recurrent pneumothorax

          80.      Comparative effectiveness of different surgical techniques in the treatment of recurrent pneumothorax: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          81.      Impact of patient age on outcomes of minimally invasive versus conventional mitral valve repair: A retrospective cohort analysis.

          82.      Comparative effectiveness of minimally invasive versus conventional techniques in tricuspid valve repair: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          83.      Assessment of procedural success and long-term outcomes in minimally invasive mitral valve repair with annuloplasty: A prospective study.

          84.      Impact of patient age on outcomes of minimally invasive versus conventional mitral valve repair: A retrospective cohort analysis.

          85.      Comparative effectiveness of minimally invasive versus conventional techniques in tricuspid valve repair: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          86.      Assessment of procedural success and long-term outcomes in minimally invasive mitral valve repair with annuloplasty: A prospective study.

          87.      Impact of hybrid surgical techniques on limb salvage rates in patients with critical limb ischemia: A multicenter cohort study.

          88.      Evaluation of long-term patency rates in patients undergoing endovascular versus surgical bypass for femoropopliteal disease: A prospective observational study.

          89.      Comparative effectiveness of atherectomy versus angioplasty in the treatment of peripheral arterial disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          90.      Impact of drug-eluting stents versus bare-metal stents on restenosis rates in peripheral arterial disease: A multicenter cohort study.

          91.      Evaluation of outcomes in patients undergoing femoropopliteal bypass with autologous vein versus prosthetic grafts: A prospective observational study.

          92.      Comparative analysis of surgical versus endovascular treatment for aortoiliac occlusive disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          93.      Impact of preoperative risk stratification on outcomes in patients undergoing revascularization for peripheral arterial disease: A multicenter cohort study.

          94.      Evaluation of perioperative complications in patients undergoing open versus endovascular repair for popliteal artery aneurysms: A prospective observational study.

          95.      Comparative outcomes of surgical bypass versus percutaneous transluminal angioplasty in patients with below-the-knee peripheral arterial disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          96.      Impact of surgical revascularization on functional outcomes and quality of life in patients with peripheral arterial disease: A multicenter cohort study.

          97.      Comparative outcomes of different endovascular techniques for the treatment of complex aortic aneurysms: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

          98.      Evaluation of long-term survival in patients undergoing endovascular versus open repair for abdominal aortic aneurysms: A prospective observational study.

          99.      Impact of endovascular stent graft design on outcomes in patients with thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms: A multicenter cohort study.

        100.    Comparative outcomes of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) versus surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR) in high-risk patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

        101.    Impact of perioperative management strategies on outcomes in patients undergoing cardiac surgery for infective endocarditis: A multicenter cohort study.

        102.    Evaluation of long-term survival and quality of life in patients receiving heart-lung transplants versus isolated heart transplants: A prospective observational study.

        103.    Comparative effectiveness of hybrid revascularization techniques versus traditional coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with complex coronary artery disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

        104.    Impact of advanced cardiac imaging modalities (MRI vs. CT) on surgical planning and outcomes in patients with complex congenital heart defects: A multicenter cohort study.


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