How To Write Pathology Protocol for thesis?

Pathology protocol
The Journey Of writing thesis starts with protocol or synopsis for dissertation. It is the framework for writing the thesis. It needs to be submitted to institutional ethical committee which then will either accept or reject the thesis. Mostly the institutional ethical committee accepts the proposals. However you should be careful of the fact that you should not undertake a thesis topic which may involve any of the following factors
1. Thesis based upon an investigation which is not available in your institute.
2. The patient should not unnecessarily exposed to harmful investigations such as ionizing radiation etc.
3. Treatment which is still experimental and for which safety of patient is not yet determines.
4. The investigations which will unnecessarily cause financial losses to patients.
If any of the above factors are involved then the institutional ethical committee may reject the thesis topic.
Title of the thesis.
The title of the thesis should be self explanatory, if possible the title should also include what type of study it is. Any change in title will not be acceptable once the protocol is submitted to university and hence the title should be carefully chosen.
The introduction is first important part of protocol. It may contain 500-800 words. The introduction part of protocol must include following parts.
1. Introduction to the problem. The 1st paragraph should start with the problem/disease/anatomical variation etc. The common details about the anatomy/physiology or pathology of particular problem.
2. Problem statement. The second paragraph should mention the problem statement such as the incidence and prevalence of particular diseases. Risk factors for relevant pathology etc.
3. Gap in the knowledge. Next paragraph should explain in detail about what is the gap in knowledge. How various studies done on the same topic have not addressed a particular aspect of the problem.
4. Rationale of the study. you should also mention why you want to undertake the study?
5. Novelty of the study. If you feel your study is analysing something which has not been studied by anyone else then you should mention this fact also.
6. Last paragraph in the introduction should deal with how your study is intending to fill the gap in the existing knowledge.
Review of literature
Introduction should be followed up by the review of literature in review of literature at least 5 studies should be summarised. while writing review of literature following things should be kept in mind
1. The studies should be relatively recent. Do not use older studies. Older studies can be mentioned if historical perspective needs to be given.
2. Do not copy paste the abstract. The ideal way is to read whole study and summarise it in your own words.
3. Summarise only relevant studies.
4. Review of literature should be of 500-600 words.
After review of literature you should write following points in 1 page
1. Research Question.
Here you should clearly mention the basic research question you intends to answer in your study.
2. Primary Aim:
Here you should write about what is the primary aim of your study.
3. Primary Objective:
Here you should write about what is the primary objective of your study.
4. Secondary Objectives:
Here you should write about what are the secondary objectives of your study.
In materials and Methods details must be mentioned
1. Study Setting
2. Study Design- cross sectional study/prospective study/retrospective study/review study
3. Study Duration
4. Study Participants
5. Study Participants
6. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
7. Sample Size calculation (on the basis of pilot study).
8. Sampling Technique
9. Method of randomization
10. Study tools
11. Study Variables
12. Data collection and measurement
13. Interventions
14. criteria for withdrawal if any.
15.Description of any procedure which may be part of study.
References or bibliography is the final part of protocol .
All references should correspond to the citations given in the text.
preferably AMA style of references should be given.